GeoJump is a small game submitted for the game jam "Geojam" hosted by Icoso. This project was developed by 6 people in 7 days from March 18th to March 25th, 2021 as our first game jam. All assets and music were made independently by us. 

Geojump is a platformer with 3 main mechanics: 

Swapping Dimensions: 

This mechanic is our incorporation for the "Other Side" theme. Each level has 2 different layouts that can be actively swapped between. Pressing "E" swaps dimensions, and holding "Q" allows you to temporarily view the other side- however, you can only hold down "Q" for a limited time. Shape-Changing: Players start as squares and will unlock the ability to swap to be a circle or a triangle. Certain platforms or walls will have symbols of either a triangle, square, or circle. You must change to the corresponding shape to be able to land on those platforms using the keys depicted in the top left of the screen. For walls, however, you can pass through them if you are the corresponding shape. You can change shape at any time. 


You will find that certain platforms may be either red, green, or blue platforms later into the game. To stand on these platforms or pass through these walls, the player has to be the corresponding color by finding terminals where they can press "F" or "Shift" to change their character color. 

The game is relatively short, standing at 10 levels where you have to consistently combine these 3 mechanics. If the game gets good support, we may continue to work on the game including more levels and a level editor. As this is our first game jam, it's not perfect. Please leave feedback! 

Use space to jump, and WASD or arrow keys to move


NotCasey - Coding & Level Design 

JonMaybe- Coding 

main-accountexe - Textures & Art 

coalnothere - UI & Level Design 

Princess Misty - Music

Zeekachu - Music


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Wait, does the music go from sqaure waves to triangle waves as you switch from a square to a triangle? That's pretty clever!

Correct, it does!

Yeah, thanks! 

I've found the sonic to my mario

Accept you have 6 times the people, the experience, and skill.


And apparently we know the difference between "accept" and "except" too.


Moonjumper sequel Announced

No god no please no more insta kill pick a door section oh god please i have a family god please no

last time there were 3 right, this time there will be much much more...